Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Lawai Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church
 Family Ministries Messages

Editor: Kay Kuzma; 808-652-1803; kaykuzma@aol.com 

“Messages” is a new, easy way to keep our church members and friends (with an email address) up-to-date with news and announcements that will hopefully enhance our personal relationships and spiritual growth.

Your email address was obtained through the Church Directory. If you want to opt out or add another address, just let me know.

Thank you, Auntie Lyn for your  fresh “Our daily bread” Thanksgiving display. Yum! It smelled so good and reminded us that Jesus and His Word is our  daily Bread of Life. 

Christmas Gifts for Lawai Valley Kids
Would you (or your kids) like to say thank you to Cora DeGuzman? She visited our church a couple weeks before Christmas (thanks to the invitation and transportation of Geoffrey Waldrop.) She was so impressed with the children and their participation in the service that she went back home to NY and decided to send Christmas gifts to all of them. Her gifts were especially selected and wrapped for each child. She sent them 2-day airmail from NY and they arrived the day before Christmas. Thanks to Uncle Brian and Anthony Keen the gifts were delivered by Christmas Eve! I’m sure she would love to hear from the children—or their parents. Here is her contact information: 845-553-5630: cdeguzman@lawrencehealth.org
16 Versailles Way, Nanuet, New York, 10954.

                                                                   Family Praise
               Come to Family Praise: Sanctuary 9:00am every Sabbath lead by Lawai Valley Kids
                                                           Family Praise Practice
We are using our new Praise and Worship Songbook. (Thank you Music Committee!)  Because most of the songs are new, all the kids and adults who would like to help lead are practicing on Jan. 10, Friday night at 7pm at the church . Homemade donuts follow practice!  Get a head start by listening on YouTube to the following songs: You Are My All in All; Change my Heart, O God; Open the Eyes of my Heart; Shine, Jesus, Shine; He Is Exalted; Jesus, Name Above All Names; and Holy Ground.

                                      3ABN Anchors of Truth Special: One in the Messiah
Series begins Wednesday, Jan 8 at 7:00pm/Central or 3/pm Hawaii. Cable: Channel 25. Highlights the common roots of the Christian and Jewish faiths.

·         Jan. 8: Joshua Camara: clmcamara@gmail.com
·         Jan. 9: Alika Grady: Alika’s cell: 808-635-7850   amandagrady88@gmail.com     

Anniversary    On Jan 1, Bill and Darlene Nordmeier celebrated their 14th Wedding Anniversary. It’s not too late to say. “Congratulations!” dlan.41004@gmail.com

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