Monday, January 27, 2014

Go RAW Today

Lawai Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church
Family Ministries Messages
Family Ministries Director: Kay Kuzma; 808-652-1803;

Janie and Tom Eisendrath
                                 Go RAW--with LASAGNA
OK, OK, I’ll admit it. I’m not a cook.
        “Then why,” I hear you asking, “are you blogging on Raw Lasagna?”
        Because my interest was peeked when I got an email from Tom Eisendrath saying he was in 4th heaven after eating Janie’s raw lasagna. He then tempted me with this scrumptious looking picture (of the lasagna--not Janie and Tom).
        So I replied, “Don’t tease me…what’s the recipe?” And the recipe below is what Janie sent.
        Now, because I’m not even a raw food “cook” somebody’s going to have to try this recipe and invite me over to see how it feels to be in “4th heaven.” 
Or better yet, bring it to our Fellowship Meal--and make sure I don’t go through line last!    (Do you think Tom meant "7th heaven"? You'll have to ask him!)

Raw Lasagna Recipe from Erica Palmcrantz and Irmela Lilja, the authors of the book, Raw Food: A Complete Guide for Every Meal of the Day

5 mushrooms of your choice, thinly sliced
1 tbs olive oil
½ tbs tamari
2 zucchini, peeled
1/2 package of spinach
6 tbs (about ½ cup) marinara sauce
1 or 2 avocados, sliced

1.      Marinate the mushrooms in olive oil and tamari for 10 minutes. Remove the excess liquid with a paper towel.
2.     Thinly slice the zucchini, making long noodle shapes using a potato peeler or a knife.
3.      Put the spinach and a little water in a food processor, and pulse until it becomes a sauce. Put the sauce in a bowl.
4.      Cover the bottom of a rectangular baking dish with 2 tablespoons marinara sauce, and put about a third of the zucchini slices on top of the sauce.
5.      Add 2 tablespoons of the marinara sauce and half of the mushrooms, gentle pressing the ingredients down as you go.
6.      Add a third of the zucchini again, half of the avocado slices, and half of the spinach sauce.
7.      Add the last third of the zucchini, and 2 tablespoons of the marinara sauce. Add the rest of the spinach sauce and avocado. Put the last layer of mushrooms on the top of the lasagna.

Marinara Sauce
You can use this as a lasagna sauce, zucchini pasta sauce, or as it’s own side dish.

2 tomatoes                               1 tablespoon fresh basil, or 1 teaspoon dried basil
5-6 sun-dried tomatoes           1 teaspoon dried oregano
½ red bell pepper                    salt, garlic, cayenne pepper to taste
1 teaspoons olive oil

Put all the ingredients in a food processor and blend. This sauce lasts for 3 days in the frige.

Note:  Janie did admit to altering this recipe a little for personal taste. But that's the sign of a great cook. Right?

      For more on Tom and Janie's ministry copy and paste:

ENJOY feasting on God's good food today--His veggies and His WORD!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tom: Looks like your living large in paradise. Are you married to the young lady in picture? Here is my phone: 509-301-0457
