Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Let's Celebrate Kids

Lawai Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church
 Family Ministries Messages
Editor: Kay Kuzma; 808-652-1803; 

Angela Kuzma giving Keiki Story: Jan. 18, 2014
This next Sabbath January 25, is going to be an inspiring celebration of children.

1) Our adult Sabbath School lesson is on Discipling Children  (Sabbath School starts at 9:20. You're going to want to study this lesson!)

2) Feryl Harris, Children's Ministries Director of the Hawaii Conference will be giving the sermon on the importance of not missing the opportunities God gives us to advance His work--especially with children.

If you thought Children's Ministries just meant Children's Sabbath School, don't miss Feryl's message. Chances are you'll discover that you have an important role to play in the lives of our church kids--even though you thought you were "retired."

Here's a shocking fact:
By the age of 13, a child's spiritual identity is largely set in place.  (Barna Research)

And here's why you are needed in Children's Ministries . . .
To develop a healthy spiritual identity children need spiritual mentors--and that doesn't just mean Sabbath School teachers and Uncle Brian! You can read more interesting facts about today's kids in George Barna's book, "Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions." 

Feryl Harris: Hawaii Conference Children's Ministries
     I've known Feryl for years. We were freshman at LaSierra College together and played on the same volleyball team. Now 50 some years later--we're on the same "kid's" team. 
     Feryl grew up in a small Adventist church in Massachusetts where children of all ages met in one room in the church basement. While resources and space were grossly inadequate, her teacher, Mrs. Perkin's love for kids and  love of Jesus made up for the lack of resources. And the result? Feryl was impressed to devote her life to helping kids become spiritual champions.

YOU can be a "Mrs. Perkins"
 for our Lawai Valley children. 

Attend this years children's ministries training weekend on Feb. 7-9 at the Ministries Training Center of the Hawaii Conference on Oahu. You'll hear about new ministry ideas and you'll learn about valuable resources to make your ministry to children more effective. It doesn't matter how many years you've been involved in Children's Ministries, there will be something NEW for you.

So HAND 'N HAND  "Stand UP...Stand OUT...Stand IN" 
(that's the name of the conference)

Training begins: Friday: 6pm. with a light supper, and continues on Sabbath from 2 to 6:15.
Register online for this FREE training seminar at  or call 808-595-7591. 

More about Feryl:  
Wherever Feryl and her husband, Mahlon, their daughters, Sherylin and Liesl, have lived, Feryl has been connected with ministry to children, having served on the Island of Taiwan as vocalist for the Chinese Voice of Prophecy, several years at Mountain View Conference in West Virginia in the capacity of Children's Ministries Director, for 20 years on the board of Miracle Meadows School...a school for behaviorally challenged children and now for 10 years in Children's Ministries for the Hawaii Conference. Feryl is also the Trust Services Field Representative for the Conference, so if you're considering giving a lasting legacy to help advance God's work, talk to her while she's here.

Sabbath will be an amazing blessing...starting with Family Praise at 9am. 

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