Friday, October 17, 2014

What Can You Do for Your Church?

Every Member Involvement

            To paraphrase JFK's famous statement, "Ask not what your church can do for you; Ask what you can do for your church!"
          Wouldn't it be amazing if every member--from age twelve to a hundred and twelve--would be Holy Spirit inspired to use their spiritual gifts, talents, and interests to further the gospel work of the Lawai Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church?

                                          It's Nominating Committee time! 
          Getting new people to accept church offices is sometimes a challenge! So by default the same willing people are often asked to do the same jobs year after year. We're thankful for those faithful workers, but what happens to non-involved members? If you don't have a job at church or don't carry a church office which allows you to have a voice in the church, it's easy to think you're not important or that your ideas don't count. And as the years go by, it gets easier to slip away from the fellowship.
        What if every member were asked to write down what they would like to do--even if it doesn't fit into the current list of church offices? Then the nominating committee could not only fill current church offices with willing people, but they could make recommendations for adding jobs that fit specific members.

            What if there were no such thing as a non-working church member? What if every member (regardless of age) were asked to pray earnestly that God would impress them with a work they could do at church using their spiritual gifts? 
            God knows what needs to be done in our church—and He has a plan for each member. He can impress members to say "yes" when asked, and He can impress them to volunteer to do a job that might not be on the nominating committee's list. For example, wouldn't it be nice if we had a church librarian, or someone to call each member who was absent and ask them if they would like a CD of the service? Of course, that means someone needs to volunteer to make those CDs!
        We have a women's ministry and a men's ministry (it was just voted), but what about someone to coordinate social activities for families with young children, or plan an event for members and their non-attending spouses? And what about jobs for young people? If we want to attract people under 40 to our church, we need to make sure people under 40 are actively involved in leadership positions.
            The immediate fall-out of waiting for Spirit-led church members to volunteer, is that some offices may need to be adjusted to an individual's spiritual gifts, rather than trying to find individuals who fit the nominating committee's job description.
           But long-term, if the assumption is that every member (no matter the age) has a work God wants him or her to do in the church, then we would have more active members using their spiritual gifts and more things would be done to spread the gospel.

            Let me challenge you to start THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX and see what a difference it might make in your commitment to God to do the work He has gifted you to do.
            And when God impresses you with that work, PLEASE let the pastor or the nominating committee know, or email me and I’ll pass it on. The only way to ignite a fire of enthusiasm for church growth is if each member is Holy Spirit inspired to do God's work!

                                                        God needs you.
                                                 Our church needs you.
                  Together, let's determine to commit to the idea that every member 
                             will become a Holy Spirit inspired working member! 

Mark your Calendar for October 26!

The Church Business Meeting will be held on Sunday, October 26 at 5pm at the church. This is where names will be submitted for the committee to nominate the Nominating Committee. Get involved. You can make a difference.

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