Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Finding the RIGHT Pastor

         We have been given an incredible opportunity to be involved in the process of selecting our new pastor. Elder Ralph Watts, our conference president, and Gerry Christman, our conference secretary and ministerial director, met with the Lawai Valley and the Kapaa church boards and encouraged them to start praying for unity and that God will lead us to the “right” person. They also said to submit names of possible candidates to board members or directly to them. email Brian Tuzon or call Brian at 808-337-1926. Or email Ralph Watts.

                      Selecting a pastor is something like selecting a marriage partner. 
In marriage, the goal should not be on finding the “right” person, as much as it is on “being” the “right” person for our spouse.
            When it comes to a marriage between a pastor and a church, instead of putting all of our emphasis on finding the “right” pastor, maybe we should first concentrate on growing together and being the “right” church—or churches. With this emphasis, we would be answering Jesus’ prayer in John 17:11 and 21, that His disciples would be one like Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are one. Only when we experience this unity are we going to be ready for the pastor that God has selected for us.
Make us ONE
              It’s time to begin praying together for unity. We desire a Pentecost experience, thinking the pastor is the key, but in reality, not until we have lain down our selfish desires and truly loved others like Jesus loves us—unconditionally—are we going to be ready for the amazing pastor that God has in mind for us.
            So, in this spirit, please come pray with us after the Lawai Valley church service. We will begin praying in earnest that God will make us ready for our new leader. We desire that nothing less than 100% unity be the criteria for selecting our next pastor.
Sandra Roberts, President of SE Calif. Conference
            Impossible, you say! Wait a minute. What about all the times that Jesus reminds us that “nothing is impossible with God?” Just checkout Mark 10:27, Luke 18:27, Mark 9:23, Mark 14:36, Matthew 17:20, Luke 1:37, and Matthew 19:26.
            Our desire is to find a pastor who is willing to put down roots and stay with us dedicating our babies, baptizing our young people, marrying our couples and sadly to say, burying our loved ones. If God selects the pastor, He is mighty enough to speak to each member’s heart, so the acceptance of our pastor is unanimous. Anything less than 100% commitment to love and respect God’s choice, will mean division in our churches and will certainly cause the pastor a major pastoral headache! In other words, if it's not 100% on the first choice--maybe we better go back to our knees and keep looking for God's choice.

Let's put the selection of our pastor in the Hands of God
And putting our church in the hands of God
            If our desire for unity is the spirit in which we enter into the process of selecting a pastor, then instead of looking for specific characteristics WE want, our emphasis should be on praying for characteristics and skills that God wants for us in order that we can grow and reach God’s goal of having two vibrant, healthy churches here on Kauai. In other words, you may want a pastor who can dazzle us with unforgettable theologically astute sermons and play a mean piano for praise time, BUT . . . the question is, what do we need?
            A small group of Lawai Valley church members got together last night to talk about pastor possibilities. The tone of the discussion changed when Uncle Brian quoted Matthew 6:32-34: “For after all these things the Gentiles seek… (what to eat, drink and wear) …your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”       This is the list they came up with:

We NEED a pastor who. . .
1.      Seeks first the Kingdom of God and can lead us (both churches) as a united body into a closer relationship with Christ—and each other.
2.      Models, trains, leads and inspires us into deeper Bible study.
3.      Believes in the power of prayer and models the kind of faith that “moves mountains.”
4.      Loves people with God’s agape love and has a heart for winning souls. One who is willing to meet the people where they are, get involved in the community and be of service to others.
5.      Encourages every member to have a ministry and to use their spiritual gifts to the fullest.
                  If each one of our members would begin praying in private, in their families, and in small groups, what a difference it would make. God will impress someone, somewhere with just the right name for the person He wants for our pastor.
            Our meeting last night closed with this thought in Matthew 7:7: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” 

                                            Are you ready to take God at His Word?

Please post your opinions, reactions and creative ideas. 
                       God needs all of us to be involved in this most important decision.